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First Time Client 90 min change

This Is  great service for those who want a specific area targeted but also want a full body massgae. Having more time allows ypur therapist to provide a more thorough service. It's great for those who want a gentler experince.

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  • 60 min Therapeutic Massage $90
    This service provides the client with a 60 minutes customized therapuetic massage service. This service is ideal for the client who is dealing with localized pain and wants the use the entire session focusing on that primary aea of concern.
  • 90 minutes Therapeutic Massage $125
    This therapeutic massage service is suggested for first time clients and those who have a painful primary condition but would like a full body massage. A 90 minutes long massage allows your therapist to work gently.
  • First Time Client 60 min $90
    This service is for the first time clients of Houston Medical Massage. 
Staff: Hal Scarbrough